Cross Country Calendar

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Get Ready!!!

The first Cross Country practice will be Monday, August 6th at 3:30 pm.  

Runners should meet in the Wrestling room.  You must have a current physical on file to participate.  It is highly recommended that athletes bring a water bottle, Gatorade, or some type of hydration to practice.  The team will supply water bottles and a cooler as well.  Make sure that you have appropriate running apparel including running shoes, a lightweight tee or top, and appropriate running shorts.  Compression shorts are recommended but must be covered with running shorts.  Please review the Cross Country attendance policy below.  

Thanks and we are going to have another great season!  See you Monday! 

Cross Country Attendance Policy 2018

Parents and athletes should read this policy carefully and be sure to understand this policy.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact coach Eichfeld.

Coaches: (athletes and parents should put this contact information in their phone)
Head Coach:  Joe Eichfeld (912) 258-3634
Asst. Coach:  Chad Whitley (912) 288-6151
Asst. Coach:  Alvin Nelson (912) 550-3400

Any time an athlete needs to miss practice for ANY reason they (or a parent) MUST call or text Coach Eichfeld PRIOR to missing that practice.  If coach Eichfeld is not informed that the athlete will miss practice, then the absence will be considered unexcused.  

Any time an athlete misses practice they are REQUIRED to bring a note from a parent or a doctor’s note within 3 DAYS of missing practice.  If a note is not provided the absence will be considered unexcused. 

An unexcused absence is defined as follows:
·         ANY absence in which a note from a parent/doctor is not received by coach Eichfeld within 3 days of the absence.
·         ANY absence in which coach Eichfeld is not contacted PRIOR to the athlete missing practice.

Consequences for absence from practice:
1)       EACH excused absence will carry an additional workout/exercise to be determined by the coaches based on the workout which was missed.  This is NOT a punishment, it is make-up work.  To be successful in cross country you need to complete ALL workouts which are planned for your personal growth.  If an athlete refuses to do the make-up workout then the absence will be treated like an unexcused absence.
2)       When an athlete accumulates 5 excused absences, they will be required to sit out the next meet.  If the meet that they are required to sit out is an away meet then they will not travel with the team.  Upon the 7th, and 9th excused absence the athlete will be required to sit out another meet.  Upon the 10th excused absence the athlete will no longer have the privilege of being part of the Ware Co. Cross Country team.  *** Exceptions will be granted for special medical situations such as long term injury or illness, death in the family, or circumstances which the athlete is not able to control.  These situations will be handled on an individual basis.   
3)       EACH unexcused absence will carry a penalty of having to sit out the next meet AND will require that the athlete complete a make-up workout.  Upon the 5th UNEXCUSED absence, the athlete will lose the privilege of being on the Ware Co. Cross Country team.
4)       If an athlete misses a meet without notifying coach Eichfeld they will be required to sit out an additional meet.

Tutoring and Academic commitments:
Academic are the priority at Ware Co. High School.  Students are encouraged to keep up their grades during all athletic seasons and to manage their time wisely so that their participation in athletics does not hinder their ability to attain a high level of success in the classroom.  Athletes who need tutoring will not be penalized for going to tutoring as long as the following takes place:
·         The athlete MUST inform coach Eichfeld that they are going to tutoring PRIOR to going to tutoring.
·         The athlete MUST come to practice AFTER tutoring is finished.  Tutoring ends at 4:30 here at WCHS.  If an athlete informs coach Eichfeld that they are going to tutoring but DOES NOT come to practice after tutoring, it will be treated as an excused absence and the workout will need to be made up.
·         If an athlete does NOT contact coach Eichfeld PRIOR to going to tutoring it will be considered an UNEXCUSED absence.  In this case, and only this case, a PARENT may contact coach Eichfeld on the day in which the tutoring took place and the absence will be excused as long as the athlete makes up the workout.

Injury is not an excuse to miss practice.  When an athlete is injured they are required to attend practice as to receive rehabilitative procedures from our trainer, including appropriate icing and physical therapy.  Athletes who must go to the doctor due to injury are excused as long as they bring back a doctor’s note.  All doctor recommendations will supersede WCHS recommendations.  Injuries will be addressed on an individual basis.

Fall Break practices are required.  Athletes MUST attend AT LEAST 3 of the Fall Break practices.  Athletes who are going out of town with family are required to bring a note from their parents stating the dates that they will be gone.  These athletes will be dealt with on an individual basis and will be required to make up the workouts that they miss. 

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